The 13th annual KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® Day will be observed May 1st. 2019. It's not too early to make plans to get the KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® message out in your community. Begin mobilizing neighborhoods, schools, businesses, civic organizations, and city leaders to get involved. Plan to engage citizens in making streets safer for everyone in your community. This includes children, pedestrians of all ages, drivers and passengers. Thanks for joining the nation-wide effort to proclaim May 1st "KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® Day."

Complete the form below to receive:

  • "May Day" flier

  • "May Day" Customizable flier (add information for your own community event)

  • Sample "May Day" press release

  • KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® Day Proclamation

  • Sample letter to elected officials